T20: Making your Methodology Crystal Clear and More |
T20: Making your Methodology Crystal Clear and MoreMonday, Oct 23, from 08:30 to 12:00, C122
Crystal is a family of human-powered methodologies for various sizes of projects. The family is described through its genetic code, so that you can create your own family member. The genetic code includes a model of software development as a cooperative game; a set of properties to strive for on your project; a description of process as nested cycles of different lengths; a starter kit of techniques and project management strategies; a sampling of work products to copy or adjust to your needs; and a couple of example methodologies to crib from. Crystal Clear is the smallest, lightest and best-developed family member, intended for colocated teams of 3 to 8 people. It has been evaluated for ISO9000 compliance ability. This tutorial is for people curious about how methodologies can come in a "family pack"; people wanting to see actual work products created by project teams rather than templates of deliverables; people wanting exposure to some of the less-known agile techniques, and people interested in learning the seven properties of successful software projects. Intermediate: Anyone looking for ideas to borrow from a canned methodology to apply to their own situation. Goals: To expose the insides of the Crystal family of methodologies, show how to borrow from the Crystal Clear description, and discuss how to twist it to other needs. Format: Lecture plus discussion Alistair Cockburn, Humans and Technology: Dr. Cockburn helped write both the Agile Software Development Manifesto and its addendum, the Declaration of Interdependence, and the award-winning book "Agile Software Development". He is also known as the author of the definitive work on use cases ("Writing Effective Use Cases"), as the creator of the Crystal family of methodologies; and for the management strategies he has collected from projects around the world. His philosophy is: "Computers must support the way in which people naturally and comfortably work. This is needed both for personal job satisfaction and for corporate survival." Many of his materials are online at http://alistair.cockburn.us.