The Composition Refactoring Triangle (CRT) Practical Toolkit: From Spaghetti to Lasagna |
The Composition Refactoring Triangle (CRT) Practical Toolkit: From Spaghetti to LasagnaChange management and architecture-centric evolutions are known to be hazardous and time-consuming tasks. There are many methods for assisting these challenges, such as composition refactoring (CR), reengineering, and anti-patterns detection methods. Most of these methods concentrate on specific perspectives of software engineering. This paper presents the Composition Refactoring Triangle (CRT) unified approach for handling multiple CR actions across distributed complex environments. The CRT is combined of three perspectives: the process (CRP), the management tool (CRMT), and the external and internal CR (ECR/ICR) refactoring elements. Practical evaluation was conducted using the CRT, demonstrating its capabilities. The unified perspectives of the CRT enable improved risk analysis and technical control over multiple architectural evolution changes and their relative dependencies. Its implementation encourages quick testing procedure, code correctness, and short time-to- market response of the development team. Ethan Hadar, Mercury Interactive Systems Irit Hadar, Department of Management Information Systems, Haifa University