Isolating and Relating Concerns in Requirements using Latent Semantic Analysis |
Isolating and Relating Concerns in Requirements using Latent Semantic AnalysisResearch Paper Thursday, Oct 26, from 15:30 to 17:00
Aspect-oriented requirements analysis involves the identification of concerns that behaviorally influence other concerns. Such concerns are described in requirements called aspectual requirements: requirements that detail the influence of one concern over another. The current state of the art for aspect-oriented requirements analysis is Theme/Doc, which allows lexical analysis of requirements based on a set of developer-chosen keywords. It provides a graphical depiction of how concerns relate to requirements, and affords identification of potential aspectual requirements. In addition, clusters of requirements and concerns are identified to arrive at a more useful set of concerns than those initially identified. Because of the lexical nature of the Theme/Doc approach, aspectual requirements are missed, or wrongly identified. Additionally, requirements may be wrongly clustered if they contain ambiguous terms. In this work we explored whether the use of a statistical approach for textual analysis, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), would improve upon the lexical approach used by Theme/Doc. We found that LSA helps identify useful concern clusters, and helps reduce the number of falsely identified aspectual requirements. Kwun Kit Lo, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Man Kwun Chan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Elisa Baniassad, The Chinese University of Hong Kong