T05: Information Systems Architecture: Stakeholders, Viewpoints and PerspectivesSunday, Oct 22, from 08:30 to 12:00, E144
Software architecture is made challenging by the number of stakeholders the architect must consider and the inherently multi-dimensional nature of a system. This situation has led to the definition of the "viewpoint and view" based approach to architectural design and description. A number of sets of viewpoints have been developed, that guide architects through the process of designing and describing the different structures of their systems (such as functional structure & deployment environment), each viewpoint guiding the creation of a particular type of view. More recently, the presenter and Nick Rozanski have introduced a complimentary concept, that of the "perspective", sets of which are used to guide an architect through the process of designing systems with particular quality properties. This tutorial will present a set of viewpoints and perspectives for information systems architecture and will explain how they can help an architect to design a system to meet the needs of its stakeholders. Intermediate: Practitioners or researchers interested in how to approach the problem of creating an architectural design for complex information systems Goals: 1. To provide an overview of the viewpoint oriented approach to software architecture to allow people to go away and use it after the conference. 2. To introduce and explain a particular set of architectural viewpoints, defined by the presenters, which are suitable for guiding the architect of a large scale information system. 3. To introduce a new concept (the "perspective") that can guide the practitioner's consideration of the quality properties of their system. 4. To introduce and explain a particular set of perspectives that can be used with the viewpoints presented earlier, to guide the consideration of the quality properties of a large information system. Format: Conventional presentation, supported with presentation slides. Eoin Woods, UBS Investment Bank: Eoin Woods has been working in the software engineering field since 1990 for companies including Ford, Groupe Bull, Sybase, InterTrust and Zuhlke Engineering, in applied research, server product development, consultancy and large-scale information systems implementation roles. Today, Eoin is employed as an internal consultant architect by a global investment bank, where he works across the business lines of the bank as project needs arise. His main technical interests are software architecture, distributed systems, computer security, and data management and he is co-author of the book "Software Systems Architecture: Working With Stakeholders Using Viewpoints and Perspectives", published by Addison Wesley. Eoin can be contacted via his web site at www.eoinwoods.info.