T56: SOA from an Architectural ViewpointThursday, Oct 26, from 13:30 to 17:00 This isn't a tutorial on XML Web services. Rather it considers SOA as a set of architectural principles such as loose coupling, asynchronous message passing, explicit interface boundaries and contracts. If SOA is more a set of architectural principles than a concrete implementation technology, why and when are these principles helpful? After explaining the underlying principles and the solution space they span, the tutorial continues with introducing potential variations and extensions of the SOA paradigm. For instance, what about maintaining state in loosely coupled systems or how to deal with semantic integration? Attendees will learn the current constraints of SOA technologies and some additional architectural principles to cope with these challenges. All principles introduced so far will then be mapped onto existing technologies such as E-Mail, Message-Oriented-Middleware and Web services. Attendees will learn that SOA is applicable to many different technologies, not just SOAP. When the technical background is set, the next topic consists of the extraction of architectural best practices from the core principles. These best practices help to provide guidance for implementing SOA infrastructures as well as for designing applications on top of these infrastructures. Potential application domains will also be illustrated. For instance, smart client applications. The last part of the tutorial then takes some examples explained briefly as well as a larger real world case study to show how all of these principles and best practices were applied to concrete products, most of them not based upon XML Web services. Intermediate: Basic knowledge in designing distributed system is helpful. Familiarity with software patterns and object-orientation is necessary. Goals: Attendees will learn (1) basic principles of Service Oriented Architecture, (2) how to extend and vary these principles, (3) patterns that allow to implement SOA based infrastructures as well as building applications on top of SOA infrastructures. Format: Powerpoint Presentation with Project Show Case Michael Stal, Siemens Corporate Technology: Michael Stal is a Senior Principal Engineer and Team Lead from Siemens Corporate Technology. His research and work areas include Software Architecture and Middleware. He has been involved in big customer projects and is coordinating the Siemens Research program on Software Architecture for Distributed Systems. Michael is co-author of the POSA book series (Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture) as well as of other books and articles on Software Architecture and Software Engineering. He has been appointed Microsoft MVP (Solution Architect). In addition, he is editor-in-chief of the German JavaSPEKTRUM magazine.