Sensor network and Pervasive Computing solutions offer the potential to significantly change business processes, across all industries. Computing and connectivity gets woven into everyday life. Technologies in this space are constantly changing. New wireless protocols, operating systems, and new applications are emerging. Architectures are very highly distributed and often influenced by physical characteristics. And the embedded functionality needs to get complemented with corresponding backend components and services. This workshop will bring together practitioners who have been actively involved in the development of sensor network and pervasive computing solutions, researchers who have been working in this area, and professionals who have been involved in the definition of standards. The goals are (1) to identify recurring architecture themes and patterns, (2) to raise issues and identify gaps for implementation that need to be resolved; and (3) to discuss new ideas and changes to object technology to better support Sensor Networks and Pervasive Computing.
Steffen Schaefer, IBM Jens Jahnke, University of Victoria Tzilla Elrad, Illinois Institute of Technology Sufyan Al Majali, Illinois Institute of Technology