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Papers 2

Session Chair: Elisa Baniassad, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Concurrency by Default: Using Permissions to Express Dataflow in Stateful Programs
Sven Stork, Carnegie Mellon University
Paulo Marques, University of Coimbra
Jonathan Aldrich, Carnegie Mellon University

The rise of the multicore era is catapulting concurrency into mainstream programming. Current programming paradigms build in sequentiality, and as a result, concurrency support in those languages forces programmers into low-level reasoning about execution order.

In this paper, we introduce a new programming paradigm in which concurrency is the default. Our Aeminium language uses access permissions to express logical dependencies in the code at a higher level of abstraction than sequential order. Therefore compiler/runtime-system can leverage that dependency information to allow concurrent execution.

Because in Aeminium programmers specify dependencies rather than control flow, there is no need to engage in difficult, error-prone, and low-level reasoning about execution order or thread interleavings. Developers can instead focus on the design of the program, and benefit as the runtime automatically extracts the concurrency inherent in

Modelling Software Processes - a Focus on Objectives
Diana C. Kirk, Auckland University of Technology
Stephen G. MacDonell, Auckland University of Technology
Ewan Tempero, The University of Auckland

Existing software process models such as Waterfall and XP are characterised by unstated assumptions, a consequence of which is that we can not easily compare models or transfer data from one model to another. This means that software planners have no mechanism for selecting process activities that are best suited to individual projects. In this paper, we propose a framework for modelling software processes that supports representation and comparison of different kinds of software process. Our framework is based on a lift in focus from choosing activities' toidentifying project objectives and selecting activities to meet those objectives'. We overview some evidence to support the claims of representation and comparison and discuss benefits and limitations of the approach.

Language Factories
Tony Clark, Thames Valley University
Laurence Tratt, Bournemouth University

Programming languages are the primary mechanism by which software is created, yet most of us have access to only a few, fixed, programming languages. Any problem we wish to express must be framed in terms of the concepts the programming language provides for us, be they suitable for the problem or not. Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) suggest an appealing escape route from this fate, but since there is no real technology or theory underpinning them, new DSLs are rare. In this paper we present the Language Factories vision, which aims to bring together the theory and practice necessary to realise DSLs in a systematic way. In so doing, we hope to lower the barrier for language creation significantly, ultimately allowing software creators to use the languages most suited to them and their needs.

Writing Code for Other People: Cognitive Psychology and the Fundamentals of Good Software Design Principles
Thomas Mullen, Self

This paper demonstrates how the cognitive model of the mind can explain the core fundamentals behind widely accepted design principles. The conclusion is that software design is largely a task of chunking analogies and presents a theory that is detailed enough to be accessible to even the most inexperienced programmer. The corollary of which is a pedagogical approach to understanding design principles rather than the necessity of years of software development experience.

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