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9 The Generic Modeling Environment

Tuesday, 28 October – 12:00-12:45

Wednesday, 29 October – 16:00-16:45

James Davis, Research Scientist, Institute for Software Integrated Systems, Vanderbilt University, james.davis@vanderbilt.edu

The Generic Modeling Environment (GME) is a metaprogrammable, domain specific, graphical editor supporting the design, analysis and synthesis of complex, software-intensive systems. It is closely related to metaCASE tools such as MetaEdit+ or Dome. Over a decade of research in model integrated computing has led to the development of GME. The toolset has been applied to modeling and synthesizing several real world applications for both government and industry organizations.

GME has an architecture based on MS COM technology and is implemented in C++. The Core component exposes the domain-specific language specification through a set of COM interfaces. It has another set of interfaces for model access. All the other components, (GUI, browser, OCL constraint manager, software generators, etc.) are built independently around the Core. Model persistence is supported via standard database technology and XML persistence. The technologies applied throughout GME (UML, OCL, COM, XML) make it easily applicable and extensible.

The demonstration will focus on using GME to develop an integrated simulation framework for embedded systems. The UML and OCL based metamodels specifying the domain-specific visual modeling language will be examined. We'll demonstrate how the domain-specific environment is automatically generated from these metamodels. We'll emphasize how the target visual language supports such OO concepts as type inheritance and multiple aspects. The automatic extension of the model access interface will be shown. This interface makes extensive use of OO techniques such as inheritance. We'll show an example application, including its complex models and the automatically synthesized simulation and C code.