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" Concrete Languages on Virtual Platforms "
Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications
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  > Technical Program > Invited Speakers

 : Wednesday

Concrete Languages on Virtual Platforms

Ballroom A-B
Wednesday, 13:30, 1 hour 30 minutes


Herb Sutter, Microsoft:  Herb Sutter is a leading authority on software development in general and C++ and .NET in particular, and the creator of dozens of innovations in the fields of distributed database systems architecture, distributed network adaptive self-organization, and cryptographic security for databases. He is currently a software architect at Microsoft, chair of the ISO C++ Standards Committee, and the author of four acclaimed books and hundreds of papers and articles on software development topics.

From the JVM to .NET, virtual machine runtime environments with garbage collection are now the mainstream of computing rather than the exception, and they are here to stay. Microsoft has bet its medium-term future on it: The successor to Win32 as the API for Windows Longhorn is WinFX, which is based on today's .NET Frameworks and puts the garbage-collected VM squarely at the heart of a major operating system. In this talk, the lead architect of C++/CLI talks about the importance and viability of environments based on virtual machines and garbage collection, even for performance-driven applications, and demonstrates the challenges and rewards of evolving existing performance- and hardware-oriented languages to operate seamlessly and with first-class status in modern virtual environments.