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" Inside Amazon Web Services "
Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications
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  > Technical Program > Invited Speakers

 : Thursday

Inside Amazon Web Services

Ballroom A-B
Thursday, 8:30, 1 hour 30 minutes


Allan Vermeulen, Amazon:  Allan Vermeulen is Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of Web Services Engineering for the Amazon Web Services (AWS) group of Amazon Services, Inc., a subsidiary of Amazon.com, Inc. Vermeulen oversees the building of Web services that allow third-party developers to access the atomic-level components of Amazon.com's technology platform and product data. Before joining the AWS group in 2003, Vermeulen ran the Amazon.com Platform Technologies team which is responsible for the company's technology architecture. Vermeulen was previously Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of Development at Rogue Wave Software, which builds reusable software components and services for application development. Vermeulen earned his doctorate in Systems Design Engineering from the University of Waterloo.

After nearly a decade of building one of the most powerful e-commerce applications on the Web, Amazon.com handed developers the keys in July 2002. The results have been nothing short of astonishing as developers everywhere race to build the next big thing using Amazon.com's technology platform and product data. Al Vermeulen will show how developers are building stand-alone businesses as software vendors, web storefront aficionados, and online retail service providers.