The Three-Tier Architecture Pattern Language
Marriott Hotel — Florida Salon III

Prashant Jain, Siemens
Michael Kircher, Siemens
Kirthika Parameswaran, Telecordia Applied Research Labs

Three-tier applications have gained increasing acceptance and popularity in the software industry. A large number of distributed systems and enterprise applications are built using three-tier architectures. Component technologies such as Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) and CORBA Component Model (CCM) make use of three-tier architectures to provide frameworks for component development and deployment. The goal of this workshop is to discover and document the common patterns and pattern languages among the architectures of three-tier systems. The patterns, interwoven as they are, will be used to formulate a pattern language for three-tier systems. The workshop will be especially valuable to system architects as well as software developers attending OOPSLA. The pattern language formulated at the workshop will provide a powerful and effective means of documenting and describing architectures of three-tier systems.


Tracks: Architecture; Components; Java Technologies; Patterns

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